Monday, January 26, 2009

Review: Shame by Greg Garrett

Greg Garrett
David C. Cook
4050 Lee Vance View
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
ISBN: 978-1-4347-6752-3
$14.99 2009
5 Stars
Reviewed by Carol Hoyer, PhD for Reader Views (1/09)
Author Greg Garrett has written a very compelling book on living in the past and not the present. His story captures the reader from page one. His description of the characters makes the reader cheer them on and shake them when they are about to make mistakes.
The story revolves around John Tilden who had great plans for his life and for those he loved. However, as many readers know life doesn’t always turn out like you want it. John was destined to be a doctor, lawyer or even a great writer. He was a hero in his town where many remembered him as part of a basketball team that won the state championship. What he eventually became was a farmer in Oklahoma just like his father and grandfather. Married to a woman he got pregnant, he is the father of 3 children and is out of sync with his life.
We all have been in the position he is at one time or another- we keep thinking about the "what ifs." John is no different. He can’t forget about his one true love and what might have been. Being stuck in this "what if" life, he finds himself mulling over his mundane existence that has effected his parenting skills, motivation level and even his old time friends.
The story carries readers through his high school years to his current family situation. As his class reunion is coming up, he discovers that one of sponsors wants him to organize a exhibition game from members of his old high school team and the current high school team he coaches. He also learns that his one true love has separated from her husband and hopes to rekindle the flame within John.
Garrett’s story is captivating and his characters are ones we all have known. This is a story of letting go of the past and living in the present. It is a story of courage and wisdom and making a decision to make the most of ones life. Readers will be able to readily relate to the story, it is a book that once you start reading you can’t put it down.

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